Monday, September 21, 2009

The Shortest Prayer for Kids but Most Effective

Rose, my mother-in-law, called me after my gallbladder surgery to say one thing. "Joy, I want you to pray "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" as often as you can. Write it down on a card and put it in your pillow."

I got the small crucifix. This was given to me by the priest who officiated our marriage. I felt that if I see the crucifix, I will be prompted to say "Jesus, Jesus".

She called me again on another day. She told me, "I hope you told the children to say "Jesus, Jesus" as much as they can." Honestly, I just told my 8 year old son this short prayer. Noah was giving me so much problem that I taught it to him first.

When we went to my mother-in-law's house last Saturday, I found her house filled with labels of Jesus. I went to the bathroom and there it was on the door. Cool.

She handed me a plastic sandwich baggie with cutout cards with her writing of Jesus in it. She is making a clear point to me. How can I not get it?

So, I asked the most troublesome kid at the moment, my Noah, to have the privilege to go around the house to stick the "Jesus labels". He got tired.

I continued to cut out the "Jesus" labels and posted it on areas where it is more noticeable for the children and on eye level for the little kids.

For our evening meditation, I read the history of the short prayer from a small booklet called "The Wonders of the Holy Name" to everyone. They enjoyed it.

Jesus, Jesus, Thank you for this gift of knowing Your Holy Name.

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