Friday, September 25, 2009

Hard Copy of a Book is Better than Online Reading

Steph comments:

You mentioned the suggestion of having a hard copy even if it is online.

I just heard on Sacred Heart radio -( EWTN/St.Joseph radio) that there was a study done on reading comprehension. Reading online is NOT good for some kids. Something about holding it an actual book, working other areas of stimulation. ( the heaviness, smells, touch etc) helped comprehension.
Don't read this as a blanket statement.. but for some kids having an actual book in hand really helps.

I said:

The marketing of RC is very poor. I passed it up in 2004. Now, that I am using it, I am very impressed with the book choice especially on Economics (which is my graduate degree). I also like the rationale of the mental discipline of math
if your children will be pursuing the science and graduate studies. I also like that the books are not too technical and scholarly but enjoyable to their reading levels. I do not worry about workbooks etc. I am not pressured to fit a curriculum to my lifestyle. And, with highly sensitive, RADish and ADHD children, they do not get "stressed out".

In the beginning, I just had second thoughts on how I can address my goals for a Catholic education for my children as a priority. I came to the conclusion that if I can immerse it through their essays and bring up their reading level so
they handle the actual Catechism of the Church, the bible, Catholic literature in raw form. Also, I incorporated what the Catholic HS providers are aiming in giving a superior Catholic education.

I do not think though this curriculum will fit everyone. But, the results for my emotionally challenged children are amazing. And, it is very affordable. I did not have to spend over $1,000 to educate the 8 kids. You just need a laser
printer and the desire to go "thrift shopping" for vintage books.

God Bless,

Visit my other blogs: - my scratch pad for ideas to write. - my piano teaching studio

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