Friday, October 2, 2009

How Blogs Can be Time Consuming

It is not right. I just spent 3 hours blogging. It used to be therapeutic for me but it is consuming my time. I have to rethink my goals.

I am maintaining several personal blogs. One blog is my life as Mrs. Treasures. It is my scratch pad for ideas as a writer. The second one is my piano practice blog. Third is my blog on Catholic homeschooling and Catholic Blended Families. Fourth is my blog on Catholics with family members needing healing.

I also am pressured to write articles for Associated Content just to ensure I gain some writing skills. I am not a natural born writer. I am a writer -wannabee.

I am an Economist, I need to translate "time lost" to monetary outcomes. However, the opportunity cost for writing blogs is the time I can help other people through my experiences. This is the one that makes my life fulfilling.

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